

Goto Donation







Update Date


 Updated Features

2021.12.20   4.0.5

Network searching delay is reduced

2020.8.6   4.0.4

When forward the message with an attached file, the file can be forwarded.

2019.3.4   4.0.3

When it starts without network, it can be executed.

After excecuted, connect network and click refresh users button.












File sending error. fixed
2016.4.20 OnShow Error fixed
2016.4.18 English fonts are changed
2016.4.13 A scroll bar bug of received message box is fixed. scroll bar is default

1. recepients list box size of received msg is bug. fixed  

2016.4.7 1. Increase the caret width in the message box.

1.  recepients list box size of received msg is bug. fixed  

2016.4.4 1. The function of on absent, on auto forward button, bug fixed

1. recepients list of received msg is correctly viewed

2. Action of Reply All button is corrected.

2016.4.1 1. For unicode language, the encording format of language.txt is changed to utf-8

1.In Setting window,  Translating bug of save button is fixed

2. Can not send a file of non English name file. fixed

3. When installed and executed, drag&drop is not  applied. fixed

2016.4.1 4.0.0

1. Unite English and Korean version

2. move holiday.txt to date folder. format changed (refer help)

3. For other language users, uses language file. selects language in the setup

4. For new develop tool, sources are changed

5. On Windows 10, attached file window error fixed

6. The number of different network is unlimited(network config file changed. need resetting)

7. Tab of changing attached file folder is added to setup

8. In the received msg window, down folder and url icons are added

9. Install program is changed

10. Grant user modify permission in the MessagePopup folder

11. When executing, network is not available, do not start

12. Change Default Installed directory (C:\Program Files\MessagePopup)



1.When password is set,  character is not visible in the password query box



1. homepage is moved to https://msgpopup2.tripod.com/

2. absent timer function is deleted.



When opening diary, sometimes listbox error was occurred. Fixed.



1. Default Intro Today msg can be set with button on the diary window









1. Lunar calendar error is fixed.


1. Homepage is moved to msgpopup.hihome.com

2. Security of file transfer is fixed.


1. If receiving users list is too long, list is automatically  cut.








1. On printing Diary of the other month , only this month diary was printed. Fixed.

2. On receiving some broken message, listbox error was occurred. Fixed.


1. When click system tray icon, first click -> popup, second click -> popdown


1.Can Save Main window size.

  Right Click Main Window -> select "Save Listboxs , Main width"



1.When make window size long, Reply button and etc buttons move to right.

2.After save listbox width, Gear button -> click save, listbox width was initialized. Fixed.

3. Long message size is changed to 4kbytes. In the case of long message, recipients list of separated message had bugs. fixed.

4. File sending problem is a little bit adjusted.



1. In Win 98, sometimes makes "Explorer Error" ->Fix Testing.

2. On Auto Absent, Auto F.W was disabled.-> Auto F.W is working separately with Auto Absent




1. Auto Absent function is added.

  Gear-> Absent tab, select time.

  When mouse or keyboard action is not detected during designated time

  Absent button function is on automatically .

  If mouse or keyboard action is detected, Absent function  is off

  If 0 minute, this function is disabled.

2. Can forward attached file that was received with F.W button.

3. Users list sorting.

ETC. Titlebar title Message Popup => MessagePopup


 Lessen Memory usage a little bit.






    Version #is jump to 3.5, because a lot of features are changed.
1. Most Images are changed for beautiful looking. (16 color-> 24bit color)
2. Can input your group name in setup. Then you can classify with group     name in combo box upper users list box.
3. Special characters table is added. but depend on your Windows Font     (Unicode or ansi code). Some in windows, they can be broken.
4. Emoticons Table is added. Maybe most people can understand     what emoticons mean.
5. [number of users count] box is added.
6. All->Recipients button is added.
7. Help file is updated. It uses button images for your understanding easily 
8. A lot of hidden bugs are killed.

. When there is Today info, Windows below status bar icon was not   disappeared. Fixed.

. long message sending processing is added.

. Windows Shutdown error is fixed.

. Absent and Auto F.W message error is fixed.

. related Pin button error is fixed.

. Win98, window of "To  " was not scrolled to top. fixed

. When delete a last message, "To" text was not cleared. fixed.

. "NoPopup On Receiving", "Icon Window" mutual operation error. fixed


1.After Diary Printing, Diary display was changed. Fixed


1.Diary Print button is added.

2.Delete All Sent Msgs button error is Fixed.











1. Add "All->Recipients",  In the right click menu on the users listbox.

2. [Alarm] button ->In the Iternet Computer Time Sync tab, can synchronize computer time with internet time server Time.


Add "Save listboxs width" In the 'right click menu on the users listbox.

Old version, only could save that on the Gear->Color,font Tab


"Open Attachment" , right click menu in the receive message box.

 Error fixed.


 Setup window, Alarm Setup window , and etc, It made scroll bar at first

 in some Graphic resolution or Graphic card. So,now they are no autoscroll .







1. In the users list box, right click -> select ALL users or selected users to recipients box.

Bug fixed

1.When transfer file, transfer status is not visible. Because of similar color.

2. Diary symbol error ,  "SAT". => "SUN"


Error of 'Extract button' beside of sent message box. Fixed


When no received msg, clicked reply or F.W., It made error. Fixed



1. Old ver = When received with many users together, because Receive Message box is too small, many lines are used. So could not see content of received message easily.

 New = "To" box is separated from ReceivedMessage Box

2. Give more time to interval of Searching Users.



 HOME PAGE is moved from netian to msgpopup.hihome.com









To download program , right click below link, and  save it.

  Link 1   https://msgpopup2.tripod.com/MsgPopupII.zip



   Link2   If Link1 has problem, Just click and download  BOX.net



( Notice : If you are using old version , right click msgpoup icon on system tray -> Exit.

           Then, Install new version. It will preserve your old setup files and logs.

           If uninstall it, it will delete all files and dirs (down , log, date DIR)

(  Windows XP or over, allow access on private networks in firewall.

   When install, the window of access permission on network will pops up

   Just Unblock or allow access on private, public networks [check box]


   If did not allow access, allow access

   in the control panel-security center-firewall

   More information Refer FAQ4   )




If you have any questions or an opinion or find bugs , feel free to leave a message In Q&A EN_board


Do you think it is good for you? Do you want this program would be Freeware forever. Then


Goto Donation



ETC utility

Monitor Screen Off program When executing or click on the systemtray.


